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Secrets Encryption Config

K3s supports enabling secrets encryption at rest. When first starting the server, passing the flag --secrets-encryption will do the following automatically:

  • Generate an AES-CBC key
  • Generate an encryption config file with the generated key
  • Pass the config to the KubeAPI as encryption-provider-config

Secrets-encryption cannot be enabled on an existing server without restarting it.
Use curl -sfL | sh -s - server --secrets-encryption if installing from script, or other methods described in Configuration Options.

Example of the encryption config file:

"kind": "EncryptionConfiguration",
"apiVersion": "",
"resources": [
"resources": [
"providers": [
"aescbc": {
"keys": [
"name": "aescbckey",
"secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"identity": {}

Secrets Encryption Tool

K3s contains a utility tool secrets-encrypt, which enables automatic control over the following:

  • Disabling/Enabling secrets encryption
  • Adding new encryption keys
  • Rotating and deleting encryption keys
  • Reencrypting secrets

For more information, see the k3s secrets-encrypt command documentation.