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Upgrade Notice

Before upgrading from earlier releases, be sure to read the Kubernetes Urgent Upgrade Notes.

VersionRelease dateKubernetesKineSQLiteEtcdContainerdRuncFlannelMetrics-serverTraefikCoreDNSHelm-controllerLocal-path-provisioner
v1.30.2+k3s2Jul 03 2024v1.30.2v0.
v1.30.2+k3s1Jun 25 2024v1.30.2v0.
v1.30.1+k3s1May 22 2024v1.30.1v0.11.8-0.20240430184817-f9ce6f8da97b3.44.0v3.5.9-k3s1v1.7.15-k3s1v1.1.12-k3s1v0.24.2v0.7.0v2.10.7v1.10.1v0.16.1-0.20240502205943-2f32059d43e6v0.0.26
v1.30.0+k3s1May 10 2024v1.30.0v0.

Release v1.30.2+k3s2

This release updates Kubernetes to v1.30.2, and fixes a number of issues.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.30.2+k3s1:

  • Update stable channel to v1.29.6+k3s1 (#10417)
  • Update flannel to v0.25.4 and fixed issue with IPv6 mask (#10422)

Release v1.30.2+k3s1

This release updates Kubernetes to v1.30.2, and fixes a number of issues.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.30.1+k3s1:

  • Fix bug when using tailscale config by file (#10074)
    • Fix bug when using vpn-auth-file in the agent
  • Add WithSkipMissing to not fail import on missing blobs (#10136)
  • Use fixed stream server bind address for cri-dockerd (#9975)
  • Switch stargz over to cri registry config_path (#9977)
  • Bump to containerd v1.7.17, etcd v3.5.13 (#10123)
  • Bump spegel version (#10118)
  • Fix issue installing artifacts from PR builds with multiple runs (#10122)
  • Fix issue with externalTrafficPolicy: Local for single-stack services on dual-stack nodes (#9963)
  • Update local-path-provisioner helper script (#9964)
  • Add support for svclb pod PriorityClassName (#10045)
    • ServiceLB now sets the priorityClassName on svclb pods to system-node-critical by default. This can be overridden on a per-service basis via the annotation.
  • Drop check for legacy traefik v1 chart (#9593)
    • K3s no longer automatically skips deploying traefik v2 if traefik v1 is present. All clusters should have been upgraded to v2 at some point over the last three years.
  • Update kube-router version to v2.1.2 (#10177)
  • Create ADR for branching strategy (#10147)
  • Bump minio-go to v7.0.70 (#10081)
  • Bump kine to v0.11.9 to fix pagination (#10082)
  • Update valid resolv conf (#9948)
  • Add missing kernel config check (#10100)
  • Git workflow file name correction (#10131)
    • None
  • Follow directory symlinks in auto deploying manifests (#9288) (#10049)
    • Symlinked sub-directories are now respected when scanning Auto-Deploying Manifests (AddOns)
  • Fix bug: allow helm controller set owner reference (#10048)
  • Fix go.mod (#10192)
  • Bump flannel version to v0.25.2 (#10146)
  • Test: add agent with auth file (#10119)
    • Fix bug when using vpn-auth-file in the agent
  • Add extra log in e2e tests (#10145)
  • Update channel server for may 2024 (#10137)
  • Bump klipper-helm image for tls secret support (#10187)
  • Updating the script binary_size_check to complete the command name by… (#9992)
  • Fix issue with k3s-etcd informers not starting (#10047)
  • Enable serving supervisor metrics (#10019)
    • --Enable-pprof can now be set on agents to enable the debug/pprof endpoints. When set, agents will listen on the supervisor port.
    • --Supervisor-metrics can now be set on servers to enable serving internal metrics on the supervisor endpoint; when set agents will listen on the supervisor port.
  • Bump alpine from 3.18 to 3.20 in /conformance (#10210)
  • Bump alpine from 3.18 to 3.20 in /package (#10211)
  • Bump ubuntu from 22.04 to 24.04 in /tests/e2e/scripts (#10040)
  • Bump Trivy version (#10039)
  • Fix netpol crash when node remains tainted uninitialized (#10073)
  • Fix issue caused by sole server marked as failed under load (#10241)
    • The embedded load-balancer will now fall back to trying all servers with health-checks ignored, if all servers have been marked unavailable due to failed health checks.
  • Add write-kubeconfig-group flag to server (#9233)
    • New flag in k3s server: --write-kubeconfig-group
  • Fix embedded mirror blocked by SAR RBAC and re-enable test (#10257)
  • Bump Local Path Provisioner version (#10268)
  • Fix: Use actual warningPeriod in certmonitor (#10271)
  • Fix bug that caused agents to bypass local loadbalancer (#10280)
  • Add ADR for support for etcd s3 config secret (#9364)
  • Add test for isValidResolvConf (#10302)
  • Add snapshot retention etcd-s3-folder fix (#10293)
  • Expand GHA golang caching to include newest release branch (#10307)
  • Fix race condition panic in loadbalancer.nextServer (#10318)
  • Fix typo, use rancher/permissions (#10296)
  • Update Kubernetes to v1.30.2 (#10349)
  • Fix agent supervisor port using apiserver port instead (#10352)
  • Fix issue that allowed multiple simultaneous snapshots to be allowed (#10372)

Release v1.30.1+k3s1

This release updates Kubernetes to v1.30.1, and fixes a number of issues.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.30.0+k3s1:

Release v1.30.0+k3s1

This release is K3S's first in the v1.30 line. This release updates Kubernetes to v1.30.0.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.29.4+k3s1:

  • Kubernetes V1.30.0-k3s1 (#10063)
  • Update stable channel to v1.29.4+k3s1 (#10031)
  • Add E2E Split Server to Drone, support parallel testing in Drone (#9940)
  • Bump E2E opensuse leap to 15.6, fix btrfs test (#10057)
  • Remove deprecated pod-infra-container-image kubelet flag (#7409)
  • Fix e2e tests (#10061)