

Upgrade Notice

Before upgrading from earlier releases, be sure to read the Kubernetes Urgent Upgrade Notes.

VersionRelease dateKubernetesKineSQLiteEtcdContainerdRuncFlannelMetrics-serverTraefikCoreDNSHelm-controllerLocal-path-provisioner
v1.31.0+k3s1Sep 02 2024v1.31.0v0.

Release v1.31.0+k3s1

This release is K3S's first in the v1.31 line. This release updates Kubernetes to v1.31.0.

For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes.

Changes since v1.30.4+k3s1:

  • Move test-compat docker test to GHA (#10414)
  • Check for bad token permissions when install via PR (#10387)
  • Bump k3s-root to v0.14.0 (#10466)
    • The k3s bundled userspace has been bumped to a release based on buildroot 2024.02.3, addressing several CVEs in busybox and coreutils.
  • Fix INSTALL_K3S_PR support (#10472)
  • Add data-dir to uninstall and killall scripts (#10473)
  • Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp from 0.7.4 to 0.7.7 (#10400)
  • Bump golang:alpine image version (#10359)
  • Bump Local Path Provisioner version (#10394)
  • Ensure remotedialer kubelet connections use kubelet bind address (#10480)
    • Fixed an issue where setting the --bind-address flag to a non-loopback or wildcard address would prevent kubectl logs from working properly.
  • Bump Trivy version (#10339)
  • Add etcd s3 config secret implementation (#10340)
    • A proxy can now be configured for use when uploading etcd snapshots to a s3-compatible storage service. This overrides any proxy settings passed via environment variables.
    • Credentials and endpoint configuration for storing etcd snapshots on a s3-compatible storage service can now be read from a Secret, instead of passing them via the CLI or config file. See https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/blob/master/docs/adrs/etcd-s3-secret.md for more information.
  • For E2E upgrade test, automatically determine the channel to use (#10461)
  • Bump kine to v0.11.11 (#10494)
  • Fix loadbalancer reentrant rlock (#10511)
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the agent loadbalancer to deadlock when the currently in-use server goes down.
  • Don't use server value from config file for etcd-snapshot commands (#10514)
    • The --server and --token flags for the k3s etcd-snapshot command have been renamed to --etcd-server and --etcd-token, to avoid unintentionally running snapshot management commands against a remote node when the cluster join address or token are present in a config file.
  • Use pagination when listing large numbers of resources (#10527)
  • Fix multiple issues with servicelb (#10552)
    • Fixed issue that caused ServiceLB to fail to create a daemonset for services with long names
    • Fixed issue that caused ServiceLB pods to crashloop on nodes with ipv6 disabled at the kernel level
  • Enhance E2E Hardened option (#10558)
  • Allow Pprof and Superisor metrics in standalone mode (#10576)
  • Use higher QPS for secrets reencryption (#10571)
  • Fix issues loading data-dir value from env vars or dropin config files (#10591)
  • Remove deprecated use of wait. functions (#10546)
  • Wire lasso metrics up to metrics endpoint (#10528)
  • Update stable channel to v1.30.3+k3s1 (#10647)
  • Bump docker/docker to v25.0.6 (#10642)
  • Add a change for killall to not unmount server and agent directory (#10403)
  • Allow edge case OS rpm installs (#10680)
  • Bump containerd to v1.7.20 (#10659)
  • Update to newer OS images for install testing (#10681)
  • Bump helm-controller to v0.16.3 to drop Helm v2 support (#10628)
  • Add toleration support to ServiceLB DaemonSet (#10687)
      • New Feature: Users can now define Kubernetes tolerations for ServiceLB DaemonSet directly in the svccontroller.k3s.cattle.io/tolerations annotation on services.
  • Fix: Add $SUDO prefix to transactional-update commands in install script (#10531)
  • Update to v1.30.3-k3s1 and Go 1.22.5 (#10707)
  • Fix caching name for e2e vagrant box (#10695)
  • Fix k3s-killall.sh support for custom data dir (#10709)
  • Adding MariaDB to README.md (#10717)
  • Bump Trivy version (#10670)
  • V1.31.0-k3s1 (#10715)
  • Update kubernetes to v1.31.0-k3s3 (#10780)