The Basic HA Cluster
While we have more detailed docs on setting up a High Availability (HA) cluster, this post will cover the simplest HA cluster you can create.
Baseline HA Cluster 💻🖥️💻
Whenever we get a question around HA, this is the cluster configuration I start with. It provides a solid foundation when deploying beyond a single server.
Our cluster will have:
- 4 nodes or VMs:
- 1 load balancer
- 3 servers
- A k3s-upgrade plan that will automatically update the cluster to the latest patch version of a given minor.
Cluster Setup 🌐🔧
I'm using vagrant
to provision 4 Ubuntu 24.04 VMs for this setup, all on a flat network. Setup of nodes is left as an exercise for the reader 😅.
My nodes are configured with the following names and IPs:
Name | IP |
lb-0 | |
server-0 | |
server-1 | |
server-2 | |
Load Balancer
I'm using haproxy as it supports later expansion to multiple LB nodes (via keepalived).
SSH into the load balancer and install haproxy:
sudo apt install haproxy
The haproxy config is simple, just forward traffic to the servers:
frontend k3s
bind *:6443
mode tcp
default_backend k3s
backend k3s
mode tcp
option tcp-check
balance roundrobin
server server-0 check
server server-1 check
server server-2 check
Restart haproxy to apply the config:
systemctl restart haproxy
Install K3s on first server
On the first server, install K3s with embedded etcd and a known token:
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=v1.31 sh -s - \
--cluster-init --token k3sblog --tls-san
We pass the --tls-san
flag adds the load balancer IP as a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for the certificate.
Join the other servers
On the other servers, join the cluster via the load balancer:
curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=v1.31 sh -s - \
--server --token k3sblog